Giving is a core value at CIC! In the process of supporting our local pet food bank, we learned some budgeting skills. ️ We hand selected items, and were able to donate to Pantry Four Paws, and other local organizations, that support people and their furry family, in need.
Supporting a good cause just got sweeter! The Leadership & Peer Support classes hosted a Krispy Kreme Donut Fundraiser, with all proceeds going to benefit Youth Mental Health Canada. Indulging in these delicious treats never felt more meaningful – Thank You to the school community for your support.
Over 160 students participated in the Global Health Mission in support of Doctors Without Borders. The educational and fun-filled moments were geared to inspire you to make a difference! A huge Shout-Out to the Service Prefect team for planning and organizing this experience!
Feeling the cheer in the air! Our students embraced the joy of supporting the incredible runners at the Road 2 Hope Marathon. Their happy energy and beaming smiles made the event unforgettable!
Our students made sandwiches for the homeless with so much heart and compassion. Proud of their kindness and initiative!
Students volunteered with the Thrive Group at St. Peters, a local retirement home in Hamilton. We volunteered with them to help host their ceremony to honor our veterans of the Canadian military.