- 英国伦敦大学学院 教育学
- 英国爱丁堡大学 物理
- 英国伦敦国王学院 数学
- 美国加州大学河滨分校 教育学
- 美国密歇根州立大学 物理
- 美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学 教育学
- 多伦多大学圣乔治校区
- 物理与数学科学
- 多伦多大学士嘉堡校区
- 计算机科学(带薪实习)
- 多伦多大学密西沙加校区
- 化学与物理
- 滑铁卢大学 物理科学
- 滑铁卢大学 人体运动学
- 奖学金总额:$21,000
金亦安特别感谢已在CIC执教近40年的物理老师Andrew Milne博士:“他学识渊博,热爱物理,会让学习变得非常有趣。比如说,在讲到磁场和电场时,他让我们研究喇叭和激光打印机的工作原理,更深刻地了解这些物理概念。”
两个氢原子加一个氧原子构成一个水分子,这是恒古不变的化学方程式。顶尖大学的招生标准也有固定模式吗? 从金亦安及CIC每年大量成功案例来看,的确有一套公式可循,只要满足几项条件,就能够脱颖而出、迈入名校之门。
第一招: 成绩
第二招: 活动
进入CIC后,金亦安成功入选学生会,成为学生领袖执行团队中的活跃分子。在30小时饥馑、Terry Fox慈善跑步、战胜癌症公益单车赛、圣诞大游行等许多学生发展部安排的社区服务活动中,都可以看到她的身影。除此之外,她还奉献个人时间,为同学义务补习数学、物理、科学等功课。过去两年中,金亦安累计了223小时的义工时间,是安省毕业要求的5.5倍!
第三招: 文书
金亦安很乐意把申报大学的文书拿来分享。她谦虚地说,回过头来看,这篇个人陈述并不特别令人满意,但也在美国的Common Application以及英国的UCAS中时发挥了作用:
Personal Statement
Everyone is unique and one of a kind. The family backgrounds we are born with shape our personalities, choices and dreams. During my life, I have been deeply inspired by several milestones, and the most recent one, my year of 18, to a large degree, exhibits my preliminary cognition about future.
That year, I faced my life-turning point when I was in my high school. After I finished my junior school in China, and I came to Canada for further study, where I experience a distinct education system. Different from China, I bided farewells to endless tests and homework, refused to be the slave of mark. Instead, I focused on an all-round development: academic studies, community services, activities, and the improvement of personal qualities.
Academically, I am in much fond of mathematics and physics: my attention has been drawn by the rigorous logics of math, as well as the marvelous physics phenomena. As a result, I like to solve interesting challenges, and I’m also keen on exploring the mysteries of science. I achieved 25 % in the Euclid Math Contest held by University of Waterloo, which greatly motivated me to go further on the road of math.
On the activities side, I worked as a member of Diversity Committee to help organize weekly cultural festivals to encourage students to embrace different cultures in this multicultural Canada; I also joined Student Council and held big school events such as Spirit Week and Halloween Dance to promote school spirit. In addition, I took part in Model United Nations and debated on international politics and relations with delegates of other countries, which enhanced my concern about the world and eloquence. I enjoyed my extracurricular activities and made quite a number of similar-minded friends.
Moreover, my passion for community service motivated me to complete over 100 community hours in the past semester and won an award of “Distinction in Service”. Most importantly, I helped people in need through community service and shouldered responsibilities for my community, realized my personal value.
I found myself rapidly grow with the balanced life during
the three years in Canada, and has raised more expectations for my future, thanks to the education I have received. Simultaneously, I started to ponder:What is the true meaning of education?Why are we seeking higher education?I believe, education is far beyond the knowledge we have learned from textbooks. I have come crossed a sentence which I strongly agree:”Education is the most powerful weapon which can be used to change the world”. Education develops a person’s perspective to look at the world. In the meantime, education brings us more chances to perceive the world, and to change the world. If we can apply what we have learned, to make the world better, we will thus realize the meaning of education.
Since then, the dream of being an educator has been planted in my heart like a seed, and I would like to devote my whole life into educational career. The passion for education and will to dedicate motivate me to pursue my dream. My biggest wish is to be a person useful to society, may not do down in history, but might be remembered in someone’s heart; on top of that, also to nurture more people who are useful to society.
Now, I am at the junction to further my education, as for the reason why I applied for this university, I have fully prepared myself for university studies, and I believe this university widely renowned to provide one of the best learning experiences and opportunities for future. Also, I will endeavor to repay the university and the society after.